Episode 18 // Three Brilliant Branding Insights to Build Your Bottom Line
Championed by our friends at Community Futures Sunrise
What does brand have to do with the bottom line?
A strong brand that reflects a simple promise, has the potential to drive revenue. Plain and simple!
Still not sold that a solid brand can put you on a path to prosperity? Well, get this—Amazon says a whopping 74% of consumers cite brand as an important factor in their purchase.
Tune in as NTN Pro, Ryan Townend, owner and CEO of William Joseph, unwraps the essence of a brand and how Founders can best build one.
Part 1 // Branding Basics
A brand isn’t just colors, fonts and logos. It’s all about the experience and promise you're making to your customers. As Ryan explains, if your brand isn’t telling your story when you’re not around, it’s time to revamp your branding strategy.
The more authentic, compelling, and different your brand is, the more your business will stand out. This and other bolts of brilliance await you in Part 1.
If your brand isn’t telling your story when you’re not around, it’s time to revamp your branding strategy.
Think your brand is solid? Think again and listen in as Ryan explains why it may be time for your brand to evolve in Part 1 of this episode of #TheGabLab.
Part 2 // Your Brand’s Heart & Soul
At the heart and soul of every brand, is the promise it pledges.
But beware, the lack of forethought behind the promise, becomes the message itself.
Fear not, Ryan has our back! In Part 2 he walks us through the four critical components of building a brand framework, including:
How to establish the heart of a brand—The Promise
How the Promise impacts the customer's experience and their expectations
How employees embody the Promise, because our every move is making a statement to the world
How the Promise impacts the internal operations of our business
We promised you branding intel and insight, and we’re living up to our word! Tune in to Part 2 as Ryan shares with us his top tips to deliver on the promise of your brand.
Part 3 // Weaving Brand Throughout Our Products
With your brand reflecting your business, your products, too, need to line up with your brand.
Consistency is key.
Listen in as Ryan uses Apple as an example to emphasize the importance of alignment between your offerings and your brand.
He teaches us how to incorporate our brand into our products, and sheds light on how to set a price that reflects the value (and promise) of the brand.
Speaking of price, wondering what impactful branding will cost you? Don’t miss out on Part 3 as Ryan puts all your branding-related quandaries at ease.
// Top Tips
1. Your brand isn’t just fonts and colors, it's the promise you make and experience you set out to deliver.
2. The moment you feel your brand isn’t telling the story—it's time to address it.
3. Too many people lean on the terms "quality, service, and price." This is just lazy—they’re not differentiators! Everyone’s saying them.
4. As an insider, it's difficult to see what sets you apart. Don't beat yourself up over this. Have an expert help you see your Unique Selling Proposition—USP.
5. The more concise your story—while keeping it authentic, different, and compelling—the stronger you’ll stand out amongst the crowd.
6. Aim for consistency in your brand. It makes it easy for people to remember it.
// Download the free tools and templates—compliments of our Champ!
About the Pro // Ryan Townend

Owner + CEO, William Joseph
A proud son of Saskatchewan, Ryan applied his marketing talents in a not-for-profit setting until he could no longer ignore the entrepreneur within, and relocated to Calgary and co-founded William Joseph Communications.
His bold ambition was to create an advertising agency that wielded smart strategy as the foundation for innovative and on-the-mark creative. From humble beginnings, the agency has grown to house a diverse team of industry experts, with Ryan providing leadership that is guided by his unending passion for forming enduring client
relationships. When he’s not travelling between Calgary and Saskatoon visiting clients, you can usually find him riding his Harley Davidson
Ryan graduated from University of Saskatchewan at the College of Commerce.
About the Champ // Community Futures Sunrise
Community Futures (CF) Sunrise provides loans, advice and support to entrepreneurs and businesses in southeast Saskatchewan. With a mission to support the development of business in the region, CF Sunrise strives to offer innovative and customized financing and training options that
encourage business growth.
The board and staff are committed to helping entrepreneurs access the capital and training needed to create and grow successful businesses. Get in touch with CF Sunrise today. They’re here to help!
CF Sunrise is part of a network of 267 Community Futures offices across Canada. They have a rich history of helping businesses succeed. Community Futures - a Canadian Success Story
Connect //
GAB LAB CHAMP // Community Futures Sunrise CFSask.ca/Sunrise // sunrise.cfdc@sasktel.net NTN PRO // Ryan Townend r.townend@williamjoseph.com // williamjoseph.com
GAB LAB HOST // Taunya Woods Richardson taunya@nailthenumbers.com // 1.844.844.3660
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